Friday, April 27, 2007

Another Man's Trash

My toddler threw away a cup today because it was empty. I know she's fascinated with the tall shiny trash can in the kitchen, but really! So I guess the old adage is true about one man's trash being another man's treasure. I just wish DD wouldn't always lean towards the trash part. I hate digging through the garbage!

Some days I look around my house and think we could throw away more than 50% of our STUFF and we'd probably be happier, but I come from a long line of pack rats and just can't bring myself to do it. I gather up unused toys fairly regularly but then I hardly ever remember to drop them off at Goodwill. The bags become silent inhabitants of the garage, collecting dust and draining my energy every time I see them. I'm constantly getting all gung-ho about organizing and purging, and then normally everything sits in giant piles for ages waiting for me to finally remember to haul it away. I would be much better off if I set up pre-planned pick-ups but I just never manage to work that out. (One bad rain experience to blame for that, I guess.) Excuses, excuses, I know. I want to get better, I really do.

I want to set a good example and overall I think children are WAY more giving than most adults. Maybe I should take a page from them and really declutter our lives. I guess I always feel this way when the laundry gets out of control. I hate having piles and piles of laundry all over the place. It really doesn't matter if it is clean or dirty, just piles that aren't in their proper place drive me bats! I'm so easily distracted, yikes! Gotta work on that.

So in an attempt to pull myself out of this unorganized funk, I have started stalking some well organized online ladies. I hope to learn their secrets and pull myself out of this funk for good! Or at least find some new pretty baskets to hide all my junk. After all it is all about the pretty baskets, right?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Movin' and Shakin'

I just hate being sick, especially now that I’m a mom! If you ever needed a reminder that the world doesn’t revolve around you, become a mother to small children and then have the audacity to get sick. Not only does the world not revolve around me, but it won’t even slow down long enough for me to jump off!

Of course, I also had the nerve to pick an especially busy weekend, but in all fairness we rarely have one anymore that isn’t pre-packed with activities before Friday evening. Life just seems to almost run on auto-pilot these days, so I have to admit that I might have really enjoyed having some “ME” time if it hadn’t been so terribly linked the bathroom facilities. I did, however, lose 7 pounds in less than a weekend, so I could have invented the next fad diet for all I know.

One reassuring moment amid the hoopla was when it occurred to me that my sickness had in effect sidelined the entire family unit. Hubbie and kids were still out having fun and eating meals (with help from extended family from time to time), but the inner workings of everything was flummoxed. Laundry and clean dishes and tidiness went out the window. If I ever needed a neon sign announcing my place in this world, I got it. I am the official mover and shaker of the family unit. I keep us running (albeit to and fro sometimes). I find the clean soccer uniform and matching shin guards amid the chaos of laundry. I know where the lost head to Benwolf is hidden and I know the secret hiding place for the permanent markers. I remember to pick up food items when we run out. I am the keeper of the Epi-Pen and “safe” snacks. I know everyone’s schedules off the top of my head and coordinate everything down to clean socks and underwear.

So whenever I feel a little down or overwhelmed, I plan to remember this thought. I AM A MOVER and SHAKER (even if it is on a G-rated playing field).

Monday, April 16, 2007

Class Schedule Posting

Sorry for the delay, but here it is ladies:

High Impact Inspirations Class (noon) 4.21.07

Scrapbooking Blitz for Beginners (2pm) 5.19.07
RSVP by May 2. Cost is $20.

Watercolor Techniques 6.16.07

New Catalog Ideas 7.21.07

Scrapbooking Blitz 8.07

Christmas Card Club 9.07

Trick-or-Treat 10.07

Call or email me for details on any cost to the classes your are interested in.

Additional classes will be offered when requested so let me know what techniques interest you most!

Remember to bring a friend and RSVP!

Classes are expected to be the 3rd Saturday of each month for ease of planning ahead, so mark your calendars.