Thursday, June 9, 2011

Forest Gump-in’ it

I used to consider myself fairly intelligent. I even have old report cards and degrees to back this up, gathering dust most likely in an attic somewhere. I was never the valedictorian of any class, but just as any self-respecting first child perfectionist I took pride in not being stupid either. Lately, however, I feel like I am regressing or should be required to revisit my previous assumption of above standard intellect, and here is why:

I have become the whipping boy of “Words with Friends”. If you want an easy defeat, challenge me.

Why am I so bad? I have no idea. I seem to fare okay whenever I play an actual game of Scrabble, but lately my opponents have not completed elementary school so my standards have fallen over the last few years.

Add to this sudden drop in intelligence a feeling of always being organizationally challenged, and I find I am really starting to wonder if I’m not a lot dumber than I thought.

So if you see me reading my dictionary app on my phone, you’ll know why.