Saturday, August 25, 2007

More additions to inspire you to get your creative juices flowing!!
The stamp set Baby Jesus is Born is still my favorite Christmas set. I just can't get enough of it. Tis the reason for the season and all... The In Colors of Purely Pom, Wild Wasabi, and River Rock are also very beautiful as a new twist on the traditional Christmas red and green.
I also like the simplicity of the Garden Sillhouettes hostess stamp set, because it doesn't need you to focus on more than creating a great color scheme. I am especially fond of Soft Sky, Wild Wasabi, and River Rock...a very soothing mix.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Coasting through Halloween?

Now if my DS can make two cute coasters like these using smaller tiles and the Carved and Candlelit stamp set, you too can look forward to making lots of handmade gifts for friends and family this holiday season. I never have enough coasters so I am looking forward to having a multitude of options from now on. No more rings on my furniture!

If you would like to know more about how to make projects like these, contact me for more detailed information.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Heat Wave!

Well I seem to find myself wishing the summer away again. I know it isn't good to wish your life away, but there is something about a heatwave that makes you look forward to fall. I've always looked forward to buying school supplies and fall clothes, and now here I am doing it again and it isn't even me who is heading off to school. I know the year starts in January, but for me the start of school has always been the beginning of the new year.

I'm sure it doesn't help that I am currently prepping for all these holiday themed workshops. With them I'm focusing months away, but hopefully all the forward thinking will make the holidays run smooth and joyous. When I was pregnant with my DD, I was so adamant that I wouldn't let us get too caught up in the rush of the holidays. We had so much fun making cookies, taking long walks, and driving around to look for holiday lights. Soon I hope to post a slew of Holiday themed items (start of school, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years) to tempt and inspire everyone way in advance! This will give everyone a chance to do what they want without forcing a strict holiday timetable....I hope.

So keep your peepers open for great new ideas and tips!