Saturday, March 3, 2007

Organizing Your Craft Area

I very much like to be organized, but I find the day-to-day task of keeping things orderly almost grueling. So while I try to use easy to maintain systems, I still like for things to be visually appealing (or at least semi-appealing) to give me the added encouragement to keep our stuff under control. So getting your craft area into ship shape condition can really only make craft time easier and more fun. Whether you use a movable tote that you can carry to table top and back to its storage closet or, if like me, you have overtaken the family desk, it is important to be able to use your supplies without having to plan an urban assault to find them.

(Stampin’ Up! sells some great paper, embellishment, and ribbon keepers that are clear so you can see all your choices easily. I personally enjoy being able to see the majority of my supplies in plain sight. The colors inspire me as much as the occasions and it is a constant reminder to not let weeks go by before I allow myself to sit down to create something.)

I have attached some photos of my own desk area. Obviously everyone’s special crafting spot is going to be different, but I believe if you allow yourself the luxury of a place to work and store your supplies it can make all the difference. I used to use long rectangular baskets for all my supplies. That system was great when I worked on the kitchen table and could easily look into them on their shelves from my chair, but times change and the kids’ paints and art supplies eventually booted my stuff. I tried to keep the same system of baskets when I moved everything upstairs, but having to get up from the desk every time I needed a sheet of paper cut into my “flow”. So I finally re-organized and I have loved my new work space. I really just crammed as much as I could into my space by using the containers we already had around the house. I bet you will be amazed at what you can come up with if you think about what containers you already have at home too.

Here are some tips to consider:
1. Find enough work surface to spread out a bit. If you like some elbow room, a TV tray probably won’t be your first choice. But maybe it might be a nice additional item to set up next to your chair to hold a drink and a yummy treat without risking your current creations.
2. Find a comfy chair to work from. Or at least get a seat cushion to make yourself comfortable in a wooden chair.
3. Keep a trashcan handy to easily discard your scraps and keep your work surface neat.
4. Provide inspiration for your area. Pin up your favorite cards, photos, or anything else you find gets your creative juices flowing.
5. Do you have the luxury of a specialized location so you don’t have to clean-up mid-project? If not, maybe you could use some project envelopes to stash your supplies for when you
have to stop mid-stream.

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