Thursday, April 14, 2011

Me and my Harry Potter happy place…

We have been enjoying a countdown at our house for weeks now to prepare for the release of the latest Harry Potter movie to DVD. The kids are desperate to see this latest installment in the series, and although Hubbie and I went to the theater to see it we were hesitant to take the kids. The snake alone about did me in (along with poor Hubbie’s arm) and I knew what to expect, technically, having read the book many times already! So we compromised and said they could see the DVD under our watchful eyes and twitchy remote fingers. Snack and bathroom breaks will be planned according to age and maturity level to mediate any lingering concern over subject matter, but overall our anticipation is at an all-time high alert.

Regardless of movie logistics though, I am a loyal, loyal fan of the books and movies. It is a well-known fact at our house that this series re-ignited my zest for reading more than a decade ago and I have read each book many times. We also watch the movie marathons on the Family Channel often (even though we have all the DVDs at home) and the entire series has wormed its way into our family's vernacular. We are definitely Potter fanatics at our house!

So in final preparation I finished re-reading the seventh book yesterday and laughed at myself as I cried through the final battle scene AGAIN, not because I didn’t know what was going to happen or because I didn’t like the ending, but because it was just so darn beautiful. I did, however, have a hard time explaining this reaction to my children, who wanted me to account for exactly what part made me cry and why. Children’s literature this series may be, but what a wonderfully complex and compelling story for our children to grow up around!

I just cannot fully express my love for this story. It is beautiful and gripping and J.K. Rowling does a fabulous job capturing every age and its corresponding maturity level with amazing accuracy. For example her portrayal of the age of fifteen, when you feel like the whole world is determined to keep you a child forever no matter how grown up you feel on the inside, is so persuasive. It makes you wonder if she was rereading her own diary as she went along because every age is captured with eerie precision. But besides the plot twists and character arcs, what I love most about the Harry Potter series is that LOVE is the central, most powerful force in a land of magical forces and mysterious challenges. Love, friendship, family, and compassion reign supreme in a story many falsely condemn without actually taking the time to read it. Everything about the lore of the magic hinges on love and compassion. Love is all conquering. Power is not wicked alone, but the pursuit of power for personal gain is a slippery slope toward evilness. The truly powerful are those who protect others out of love, compassion, and sometimes even grief. Weighty subjects, yes, but important lessons for us all.

So today I'd like to thank the group of religious zealots that so determinedly advocated the Harry Potter series was "the devil's handbook" and "a manual for witchcraft" back in 2000. The controversy they publicized was so fanatical and bizarre that it piqued my interest into a topic I'd previously been completely unaware of and started me down this wholly stimulating and rewarding path. If not for the persistence of some to find fault and place blame for all the evils of the world inside a fairly new children's book series, I would have missed out on a wonderful story. (And for the record, I think God has a heck of a sense of humor or else there would be a whole lot more smiting in this world we live in!) So thank you again to all the zealots and fanatics! This is definitely one of those times I believe someone was digging through a pile of diamonds to find a speck of dirt, but I appreciate the effort all the same.


  1. You're back! You know, I've never read the books but I've seen a couple of the HP movies, and I thought they were completely fascinating. You do a great review of the overall themes of Ms. Rowling in this series. Now I want to read them myself. Sometimes the zealots lead us to the best treasures :)

  2. By the way, I see that that comment says it posted at 5:21 AM. If I were really up at that hour, I would certainly not be coherent enough to be reading and commenting on blogs. My clock says it's 8:21 AM...
