Tuesday, August 24, 2010

HGTV's DesignStar... I won!

Well not really, but I feel vindicated all the same. Emily on the show called Design Star on HGTV won the other night. I don’t actually know what night, since I don’t watch anything in “real time” anymore. (Whoever invented the DVR really should receive some electronic equivalent of the Nobel Peace prize.)

Anyway Emily Henderson was cute and quirky and won, I believe, for her inspired idea of a show called Style to Lifestyle. I call this idea inspired because I honestly thought the idea was great a few weeks before I even heard of her show’s inspiration. Call it coincidental timing, whatever… I won’t say I came up with the idea first, because I’m sure I really didn’t. Also we might be distantly related, as I know there is a Henderson branch on my tree a few limbs back. Anyway, she takes a look at your wardrobe or Style and then turns that into her inspiration for your home or Lifestyle. Sounds perfect.

And to make it even better, she’s working on the co-creator of “Glee”, Ian Brennan, and his home next, airing Sunday, August 29 at 10 ET. I’ll definitely be watching. Not Sunday at 10pm, but you know, sometime when I have more than five minutes to spare… ok, at least by Thanksgiving.


1 comment:

  1. Love Design Star, and was also cheering for her to win. I think it's one of the most fascinating shows to watch on TV b/c the network finds these very talented, yet real people, and in one big competition turns them into celebrity designers overnight. ...Also love the DVR technology. It's life-changing :)
